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While working with the materials in this class I experienced the following:

  • Clarified my sense of being enough, through an embodied sense of wholeness

  • Glimmered a simple truth that shattered old beliefs - allowing me to now more easily tap into the Cosmic Flow of life through my voice

  • Surprisingly found myself tearing up at points, really feeling the Joy infused sound vibrations

There is a practical power available through the conscious use of the voice. Practical, yes, but powerful none the less. 
- Genie J

This class series is about learning to listen to yourself and becoming informed and empowered by the sound of your own voice.   Rather you are interested in enriching your speaking voice, your prayer life, your singing voice, or even your spell work, you can utilize this class to tap into the inherent power of your voice, and to learn to exist in the space of awareness where the voice is met by the infinite sea, of sound and vibration.  To tap into the power of the voice, means reinforcing the quality of our connection to life through our vibrational awareness of it.   In this way, we are not only individually lifted, but all within the circle of our awareness and quite literally all within the sound of our voice, are also lifted.  And so this begins our journey of activating the creative nature of the voice in new, beautiful, and powerful ways.

Working with the voice is a journey of self-empowerment through self-discovery.  This class is your Golden Invitation to:


Activate Your Command

Through Practicing the Presence

Found Within the Sound

of Your Own Unique Voice.

Many children, especially little girls, are told by society or worse, by family, that their voice doesn't matter. Make no mistake, there is great magick in Knowing that it does.  Through your voice, you come to know the full impact of the power in your presence. Through vocal awareness, we can effectively di-spel/break ourselves apart from the lies we’ve been told to believe or that we unconsciously subscribed to as children. 


Class Descriptions:

This light, easy-listening class, is absolutely infused with life essence.  The essence of which, will be with you as you are listening, and contemplating the materials.  And which will remain, with you long after the experience of listening, effectively activating you on deep levels of as yet unexplored wisdom within you.


Listen to these 5 short classes, averaging 16 minutes each, with headphones when possible to enjoy the occasional spatial sounds which are woven into the closing meditations. While practicing the meditations, use "Mindful Listening" or listening without judgement or attachment to the sounds of your voice, simply purely presently observing what is.  The subtle fluctuations of our voices have much to teach us about ourselves.  Often surprising us with a direct line of communication with our highest intuition when we actively listen with a fullness of focused attention. 


The classes are outlined as follows:

Class 1: Growing Into Your Voice

This class touches on some of the interesting parts of the body that help create the voice, and includes a mindful observation of the voice as a practice in discerning its resonance of truth. Pre-prep class materials for this class include referencing a Marianne Williamson quote on facing our deepest fears, and reviewing images of the voice apparatus for the human body. We close the class by considering what "growing into the voice" uniquely means to you. 

After Class Contemplation:
What does growing into your voice, mean to you?

A. Developing as a public speaker

B. Becoming a voice over specialist, honing your vocal talent, or other areas of professional exploration

C. Owning your power in everyday life situations

D. Other... and please be specific in your journaling

Class 2: Owning it

What makes it “Your Voice?” If sound is the small range of energy that's traveling in frequencies that can be heard, (reference the definition of sound), then what role does our ability to be heard, play in the differentiation of our voice as our own? In this class we explore the expansive nature of the voice as a part of a larger sea of sound and practice infusing sound with "Knowing." The Om Namah Shivat chant is included as an honoring to the Divine Consciousness abiding within you. 

After Class Contemplation:

Which example of infusing the sound of your voice with a sense of knowing, do you find most appealing today?

A. Praying aloud - confident in knowing it is already unfolding

B. Emoting - infusing your singing or toning with emotions

C. Humming a Lullaby - to yourself

D. Becoming a different character or personality i.e. for voiceover acting

Class 3: The Voice & Power

The voice is in its most fundamental essence - power.  It's energy that is expressing as specific vibrational frequencies.  This class explores how we might choose to utilize and amplify the power of the voice, in "the moments of our highest resolve."

After Class Contemplation:

A high-spirited class!  Were there any aspects that made you think about the voice in a new way?

A. Considering the voice as sound energy and as power 

B. The idea of the infinite expanse of consciousness, folding into itself, through Knowing

C. Expanding the sound of Om into the sea of sound

D. Other, and please be specific in your journaling

Class 4: Practicing the Presence

Once we have made the connection, of infinity unfolding into itself through our own unique vocal expression, then what? This class is about crossing the threshold from seeking to being, dispelling childish idioms that silence us, and understanding the relationship between authenticity and command.

After Class Contemplation:

Have you ever had to contend with hidden beliefs around any of the following idioms?


A. “Children should be seen not heard” “Hold it down” or being “shushed” often

B. “She gave her voice away”

C. “If you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all”

D. “Talking down to people”

E. "He loves to hear the sound of his own voice"

Class 5: Expect to Be Heard

One final thought - "Expect your voice to be heard."  To be heard, make a practice of listening to yourself.  Coming to be at home within the sound of your own voice, and within your power.  After this class, I highly recommend listening to the advanced Voice Activating Yoga Nidra practice.

After Class Contemplation:

What will you use your voice to help create or enrich, in your life today? Consider all that apply

A. High vibe communication in interpersonal relationships

B. Singing/humming for health & happiness

C. Community leadership

D. Prayer and meditation for spiritual growth

Saku in Bangkok, Thailand

Today, I had this Aha! On being perfect in order to be loved.  I used this Aha feeling during the Ohm practice.  I felt a release and a knowing from my higher self that I'm perfect as it is, and my voice is unique to me as an expression from and to the divine.  I look forward to more unfoldings and realisations.  Thank you, Genie J. Namaste

Extending you blessings on blessings on blessings

of sound and high vibrations,


Genie J.

Hopefully you'll purchase this class and experience its gifts for yourself.

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Special Bonus Gift for you -

If you purchase Growing Into Your Expansive Voice class by midnight January 31, 2024 you'll receive free access to download the
Advanced Voice Activating Yoga Nidra Meditation.  This practice further strengthens our ability to use the voice for transformation
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